2015, Jul 4: .Cutlers Arms Slam Fest
2015, Jun 11: Solid Rock, Benalmadena, Spain
2015, Jul 10 – 12: Big Biker Show, The Mansion House, Beds, England
2015, Aug 5: Blues Sotto Le Stelle – L’Aquila
2015, Aug 21 – 23: Rock the Lakes Music festival, Southport
2015, Sep 18: Grimsby, England
2015, Oct 3: British Steel, Salle des Fetes, Fismes, France
25 years of Heavy Metal : featuring : Oliver/Dawson Saxon, Tygers of Pan Tang, M:Pire of Evil, Avenger, Tysondog, The Amorettes and Wizz Wizzard !!
2015, Dec 19: Rock City, Nottingham, England